What can we do right now?
Before we see what we can do, let's take a look at where greenhouse emissions come from, looking at every type of industry!
So, if we break down the data above, we can see that there are plenty of things that can be done, for humans to help the Earth in meaningful ways.
1. ZERO WASTE GROCERIES: Run a campaign for zero-waste groceries right in your home town; pressure people to demand options that don't include plastic or paper. Write leaders, owners of big grocery stores, make posters and create awareness!
Also... did you know that food waste is another big producer of methane gases? When the food is left to rot, those get released in the air. So, try to eat your leftovers, and if you can't -- then compost! Composting is awesome because it makes food disintegrate in ways that don't release methane!
2. PLANT TREES: Run a campaign in your school, office or neighborhood and donate to One Tree Planted, so that we can replenish trees cut or destroyed by fire right here in British Columbia (they make it super easy to run the campaign!)
You can also donate directly to One Tree Planted, and help rebuild a forest somewhere in the world.
Or, donate to TreeCanada to plant trees in urban and rural areas around Canada!
3. READ THE LABELS AND PRESSURE COMPANIES: Many of the products we buy are loaded with palm oil, or made in ways that are non-sustainable.
Vote with your dollar and say no to brands that hurt the environment!
Write them letters demanding action NOW!
And while we are at it, make sure to look for FAIR TRADE OPTIONS as well. The Fair Trade seal indicates that something is produced with minimal suffering, from people and from the environment!
1. ZERO WASTE GROCERIES: Run a campaign for zero-waste groceries right in your home town; pressure people to demand options that don't include plastic or paper. Write leaders, owners of big grocery stores, make posters and create awareness!
Also... did you know that food waste is another big producer of methane gases? When the food is left to rot, those get released in the air. So, try to eat your leftovers, and if you can't -- then compost! Composting is awesome because it makes food disintegrate in ways that don't release methane!
2. PLANT TREES: Run a campaign in your school, office or neighborhood and donate to One Tree Planted, so that we can replenish trees cut or destroyed by fire right here in British Columbia (they make it super easy to run the campaign!)
You can also donate directly to One Tree Planted, and help rebuild a forest somewhere in the world.
Or, donate to TreeCanada to plant trees in urban and rural areas around Canada!
3. READ THE LABELS AND PRESSURE COMPANIES: Many of the products we buy are loaded with palm oil, or made in ways that are non-sustainable.
Vote with your dollar and say no to brands that hurt the environment!
Write them letters demanding action NOW!
And while we are at it, make sure to look for FAIR TRADE OPTIONS as well. The Fair Trade seal indicates that something is produced with minimal suffering, from people and from the environment!

4. USE TRANSIT (AND FIGHT FOR BETTER TRANSIT): From short trips between New Westminster and Edmonds, to getting stuck on 410 on Alex Fraser/Hwy 91A, to getting on 99 B-Line, the most used bus route in all of North America, public transport is almost always much more environmentally friendly than practically any other method of transport.
Yet not everyone likes to take it. It’s because, well, it’s still pretty bad.
Some of our Skytrain stations can be really scary.
Columbia Station, for instance. If you have to use it at night, it's pretty clear why some people hate taking the Skytrain. From broken elevators and escalators to pissed-and-pooped corners of the station, and the “Next Train” display that refuses to cooperate and display information accurately, and people who look and act in an unpredictable way, everything in this station screams “NEVER COME AGAIN”.
Recently, many dangerous and random attacks have happened in our stations.
If we are going to use more transit, and if the Skytrain is the best option in terms of our environment, then we need to make sure that they are actually SAFE for people to use. This should be the minimum requirement.
So, let's rally behind making our Skytrain stations SAFER.
Let's demand security in all stations. This should be part of the cost of doing business.
And a great step towards convincing people to use more transit.
5. EAT SMART: Eating locally reduces your carbon footprint, but even more importantly than eating locally, you can choose the right thing to eat.
Cow meat is the worst culprit for generating greenhouse gases; we need to lower the amount of methane that is released every year. Plant-based protein is the best option, but even choosing chicken whenever possible helps.
Of course, energy production and transportation are still the worst things for the environment -- but watching what you eat is something we all can do to have an impact.
Yet not everyone likes to take it. It’s because, well, it’s still pretty bad.
Some of our Skytrain stations can be really scary.
Columbia Station, for instance. If you have to use it at night, it's pretty clear why some people hate taking the Skytrain. From broken elevators and escalators to pissed-and-pooped corners of the station, and the “Next Train” display that refuses to cooperate and display information accurately, and people who look and act in an unpredictable way, everything in this station screams “NEVER COME AGAIN”.
Recently, many dangerous and random attacks have happened in our stations.
If we are going to use more transit, and if the Skytrain is the best option in terms of our environment, then we need to make sure that they are actually SAFE for people to use. This should be the minimum requirement.
So, let's rally behind making our Skytrain stations SAFER.
Let's demand security in all stations. This should be part of the cost of doing business.
And a great step towards convincing people to use more transit.
5. EAT SMART: Eating locally reduces your carbon footprint, but even more importantly than eating locally, you can choose the right thing to eat.
Cow meat is the worst culprit for generating greenhouse gases; we need to lower the amount of methane that is released every year. Plant-based protein is the best option, but even choosing chicken whenever possible helps.
Of course, energy production and transportation are still the worst things for the environment -- but watching what you eat is something we all can do to have an impact.
Also, try your best to not waste food. When food rots, a lot of methane is released. Composting, on the other hand, uses aerobic bacteria to break down the food waste -- when done right, it can stop the release of methane gases into the air!
6. REDUCE, REUSE, REPAIR AND RECYCLE: Of course, if we change our consumeristic ways as a society, then we are going to reduce carbon emissions by a lot. We will also save landfill space and stop waste of resources! All the energy used to make new things can be saved. All the materials used can be saved, too!
7. WALK OR BIKE. The world’s roadways are clogged with vehicles, most of them burning diesel or gasoline. Walking or riding a bike instead of driving will reduce greenhouse gas emissions -- and help your health and fitness. For longer distances, consider taking a train or bus. And carpool whenever possible. Living car-free can reduce your carbon footprint by up to 2 tons of CO2e per year compared to a lifestyle using a car.
8. FIGHT FOR CLEANER ENERGY SOURCES: This is it, you guys. This is the big one.
We need to fight for cleaner energies, ASAP.
Because that is where MOST of the greenhouse gases come from.
More than 70%!
It's very hypocrytical of the government to tell us to turn off our lights and save electricity... as if we were the biggest culprits when it comes to climate change. In fact, did you know that the term Carbon Footprint was invented by BP (British Petroleum), in order to DEFLECT the blame to us?
We can help, but it's such a small amount... it will not change the path we are in!
The smartest thing would be to invest money and efforts on the area that would have the biggest impact, don't you agree? And that is BIG INDUSTRY.
We need to push our government to turn their backs on the old way of thinking (take take take) and push them to invest more in renewable energy sources.
That means, these are energy sources that are infinite, cheap and easily replenishable!
For instance -- wind energy, solar energy, using the water movements on tides, geothermal energy, and more!
Write letters to your MP.
Check out this page to read more about renewable energy sources.
9. EDUCATE: Share all that you learned here!
The Organization Learning for a Sustainable Future conducted a research survey, “Canadians’ Perspectives on Climate Change & Education: 2022” and it had the following results:
It is imperative that we, as climate action advocates, take the lead and teach people about climate change and what can be done to fight it. Please feel free to download some of our posters on the bottom of this page and use them in your school or neighborhood.
We're just kids!!! We can't do a lot!
So if you are an adult, DO SOMETHING NOW. And if you are a kid, TRY LIKE US!!!!
We all have to care enough to act.
6. REDUCE, REUSE, REPAIR AND RECYCLE: Of course, if we change our consumeristic ways as a society, then we are going to reduce carbon emissions by a lot. We will also save landfill space and stop waste of resources! All the energy used to make new things can be saved. All the materials used can be saved, too!
7. WALK OR BIKE. The world’s roadways are clogged with vehicles, most of them burning diesel or gasoline. Walking or riding a bike instead of driving will reduce greenhouse gas emissions -- and help your health and fitness. For longer distances, consider taking a train or bus. And carpool whenever possible. Living car-free can reduce your carbon footprint by up to 2 tons of CO2e per year compared to a lifestyle using a car.
8. FIGHT FOR CLEANER ENERGY SOURCES: This is it, you guys. This is the big one.
We need to fight for cleaner energies, ASAP.
Because that is where MOST of the greenhouse gases come from.
More than 70%!
It's very hypocrytical of the government to tell us to turn off our lights and save electricity... as if we were the biggest culprits when it comes to climate change. In fact, did you know that the term Carbon Footprint was invented by BP (British Petroleum), in order to DEFLECT the blame to us?
We can help, but it's such a small amount... it will not change the path we are in!
The smartest thing would be to invest money and efforts on the area that would have the biggest impact, don't you agree? And that is BIG INDUSTRY.
We need to push our government to turn their backs on the old way of thinking (take take take) and push them to invest more in renewable energy sources.
That means, these are energy sources that are infinite, cheap and easily replenishable!
For instance -- wind energy, solar energy, using the water movements on tides, geothermal energy, and more!
Write letters to your MP.
Check out this page to read more about renewable energy sources.
9. EDUCATE: Share all that you learned here!
The Organization Learning for a Sustainable Future conducted a research survey, “Canadians’ Perspectives on Climate Change & Education: 2022” and it had the following results:
- 81% of Canadians surveyed are certain that climate change is happening, and 73% agree we are facing a climate emergency
- 67% of Canadians think schools need to give climate change education a high priority
- 64% of Canadians think that the education system should be doing a lot more to educate young people about climate change
It is imperative that we, as climate action advocates, take the lead and teach people about climate change and what can be done to fight it. Please feel free to download some of our posters on the bottom of this page and use them in your school or neighborhood.
We're just kids!!! We can't do a lot!
So if you are an adult, DO SOMETHING NOW. And if you are a kid, TRY LIKE US!!!!
We all have to care enough to act.
Bring it back to its former glory.
There is no planet B!
Bring it back to its former glory.
There is no planet B!
Here are even MORE things you can do!
- Go for a hike. I know, this isn't everyone's cup of tea. But it doesn't have to be hard! It can be a flat path, it can be a 2-hour climb. Anything where you will be outside, in nature.
- Go thrifting! This is a great thing to do, for your wallet, and for the environment. You'll save tons of money, help solve over consumerism, stop fast fashion, and find lots of cool stuff.
- Go for a walk in your neighborhood. There are so many reasons why this is a good idea. It's scientifically proven to be good for your mental health, you'll get exercise, make new friends, and get to know where you live better than if you were in a car.
- Stop take out. Okay, maybe not fully. But try not to get it all the time. One reason is because, obviously, it's unhealthy, so you'll feel much better. Another reason is because it's the cause of a lot of trash that ends up in the ocean and scattered around, filling up landfills and damaging our ecosystem. So, make your own food at home! You'll eat healthier, save money, and learn some new skills.
- Skip the back-to-school shopping. We all know that you have a binder in your room that still works perfectly fine. We all know that you have lots of pencils and pens, you just keep losing them. It's alright to buy new things occasionally when you really need them, but buying completely new ones each year is not only expensive, but bad for the environment. Instead of buying a new binder you like better, get one that has a pocket in the front where you can put different photos in when you like certain things.
- Use recycled or bamboo toilet paper. It's not necessarily better for you, but it is better for the environment! Now you can wipe knowing that you didn't contribute to deforestation. Woo Hoo!
- Avoid things with palm oil. This is a hard one. Almost everything has palm oil! And sadly, it's usually the cheaper products. But palm oil is a terrible product (see Not Hot for Palm Oil on our website) and a big player in climate change. So yes, you may spend a bit more money, but you will also eat healthier, and in turn feel better. Good trade-off, right?
- Have less kids. I know this can be controversial, but its actually really important. Right now, we have a serious problem with overpopulation. And its not just affecting us badly, its also hurting the earth. So, if you are having a kid, please consider only having one, or at the most two. We aren't forcing this on you, but simply suggesting. Our planet can't handle any more growth!